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Registration for the 2025 season is now open!
Teaches the fundamentals of baseball to 5-6 year-olds. Coaches work on basic skills, such as batting, throwing, catching, running bases, ground balls, and more. They also learn safety and sportsmanship skills. They do not keep score during games, and every team member is given the opportunity to hit and play a different field position in every inning. T-Ball does not participate in tournament play.
Rookie ball is for children ages 7-8 and builds on the concepts and skills taught in T-Ball. A few new skills are introduced at this level, including hitting a moving ball (pitched by the coaches) and three outs in an inning. As the season moves on, rules such as three-outs in an inning are introduced and sometimes coaches will elect to keep a “real” score in late season games. Rookies also have practices outside of their game times. Rookies do not participate in tournament play. However, eight year olds will have the opportunity to participate in an extended summer season at no cost. The focus is to help with the transition to player pitch the following year.
The minor level is for those ages 9 & 10. The familiar rules of baseball are followed strictly at this level, including three-outs in an inning, four balls/three strikes, etc. Kid’s begin doing the pitching at this level and a low-key form of competition is introduced as each games features an umpire and the score is kept. Standings are kept and a post-season playoff is held. However, the focus remains on having fun through playing with and competing against friends.
For those kids ages 11 & 12, this is the final stage after Minors. Standings are kept and a post-season playoff is held. Again, a low-key form of competition is involved but the focus is centered on playing with and against friends.